Current Employment Positions Available:
Openings for the 2025-2026 School Year
Certified Teachers:
Classified Position:
Custodial and Maintenance Position - Day
Certified teacher application packets must include: Cover letter, completed district application, resume, copy of current teaching certificate, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation.
District Employment Applications.
ALL New Hires are required to submit a W-4, Form I-9, fingerprints AND a check for $30, made out to the Department Of Justice.
All successful employment and substitute applicants (and some volunteers) must submit to a current background check before you begin working.
School Board policy states that Lone Rock School does not accept previous background checks submitted from other institutions.
Click here for information about who is required to submit to a background check.
****If you didn't work in this district as a substitute last year, you are considered a new applicant and must complete the application process again****
All wages and benefits are in accordance with the District policy, handbooks and collective bargaining agreements.
Vacation leave, sick leave, and health benefits are available to eligible employees.
Current Substitute positions available:
bus driver substitutes (the district will reimburse bus subs for costs associated with certification and training)
classroom teacher substitutes
custodial substitutes
kitchen substitutes
office staff substitutes
para professionals substitutes
All Human Resources Forms Are Located Here
You must read this handbook and submit the applicable paperwork.
Please contact the Lone Rock School administration, for more information.
Equal Employment, Equal Education
Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
The District will provide equal employment opportunities to all persons, regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, military status, citizenship status, use of lawful products while not at work, physical or mental disability, if otherwise able to perform essential functions of a other legally protected categories.
Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity
The District will make equal educational opportunities available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious belief, physical or mental handicap or disability, economic or social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status. No student, on the basis of sex, will be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.